Sunday, 25 April 2010

मैं अनाम रहना चाहता हूँ।

जी हाँ मैं अनाम रहना चाहता हूँ। क्योंकि तुम जोड़ दोगे कोई चिप्पी (Tag) हिन्दू, मुस्लिम, बिहारी, मद्रासी, शहरी, देहाती का ।

और जोड़ दोगे उसके साथ अपनी पूर्व गढ़ी हुई परिभाषाएँ जैसे कि मुस्लिम निर्दयी होते हैं, बिहारी भ्रष्ट होते हैं, पंजाबी झगड़ालू होते हैं, बंगाली आलसी होते हैं, मराठी बिहारियों के दुश्मन हैं इत्यादि।

क्योंकि तुमने गढ़ रखी है परिभाषा अपने हरेक चिप्पी के लिए।

तुम्हारे पास हरेक रंग की चिप्पी है धर्म, जाति, वर्ग, समुदाय आदि इत्यादि के लिए बस उन रंगों को छोड़ कर जो तुम्हारे जैसे अन्य लोग तुम्हारे लिए बना कर रखे हुए हैं।

क्यों कि हरेक चिप्पी कत्ल कर देती है मेरी विशिष्टता (individuality) का और उस सत्य का कि मैं अलग हूँ । मेरी अच्छाइयाँ, मेरी बुराइयाँ (हाँ मैं एक साथ अच्छा और बुरा दोनो हो सकता हूँ क्योंकि मैं इंसान हूँ।) उतनी ही मेरी अपनी हैं और मेरे अन्य भाईयों से अलग हैं जितनी की मेरी शक्ल । मैं इंसान हूँ कोई Assembly Line से निकला हुआ उत्पाद नहीं । एक ही गर्भ से जन्मे दो भाई क्या एक जैसे होते है तो फिर एक परिवेश, जाति अथवा जगह में जन्में लोग एक कैसे हो सकते हैं । Assembly Line से निकले हुए उत्पाद भी कभी कभार अपने भाईयों से अलग बन जाते हैं, वरना गुणवता नियंत्रण विभाग की ज़रूरत हीं नहीं रहती ।
पर तुम क्यों मानोगे मेरी दलीलें, क्योंकि तुमने मान रखा है कि तुम सर्वश्रेष्ठ हो, तुममे कोई कमी नहीं है, कोई तुम पर उंगली नही उठा सकता है । क्योंकि तुम खुश हो यह मान कर कि तुम त्रुटिरहित (Perfect) हो तुममें सुधार कि कोई गुंजाईश नहीं । तुम्हारी हरेक कमियाँ न्यायोचित (justified) हैं । फिर भी एक विनती है, कभी इस मनोवृत्ति से बाहर निकल कर देखो। तुम पाओगे कि दुनिया वाले कितने भिन्न हैं एक दुसरे से, सबकी अपनी-अपनी कमियाँ है, अपने-अपने गुण हैं । और बच जाओगे अन्यायपूर्ण व्यवहार करने से। और बच जाओगे अन्यायपूर्ण व्यवहार पाने से क्यों कि लोग भी हटा देंगे तुम्हारे उपर से वह चिप्पी जो उन्होनें तुम पर लगा रखी है ।
तब तक मैं (M) अनाम (A) रहना (R) चाहता (C) हूँ (H)।



Atoorva said...

Thanks for your comments on my posts. I must admit I was fearing for some time now that you have stopped reading my blog . I still wonder(after reading your post ) why you want to remain ANAAM . I am sure I would love to read more from you too.

MARCH said...

Welcome. I keep reading your blog regularly. Even during the days there is no current new post in your blog, I surf through your older posts and give my comments there, if I am free. I think you have not enabled the email notification option if someone gives a comment on your blog. I don’t remember how it is done.

I want to be known to my readers by my thoughts. Everyone is prejudiced against one thing or the other. If I write my name or address, I fear my thoughts will be tagged as per the convenience of the reader. The thoughts will not be considered by those who are prejudiced against my caste, my religion or my state on one hand and shall be used by prejudiced people of my caste ,religion etc to prove that people of ‘our’ religion, caste ,state etc have a balanced approach and rest others are mean minded to be prejudiced against ‘us’.

It’s very unfortunate that place value of ideas ,i.e the class, designation, religion, state and qualification of the speaker gives weight to them and not the face value, i.e the merit of the ideas. This is a bitter truth.

Moreover, I don’t want to sound like a preacher who preaches, not to show correct path to the people but to prove that he, Mr. X, is Mr. Perfect. I don’t want to take any credit for the Ideas. I must admit that if I mention my name I shall have to live up to the Ideas I preach and my friends and acquaintances shall keep looking for when I myself do not follow them( putting me under immense pressure) just to prove that these Ideas are impractical and thus defeat the whole purpose of this blog. I can keep trying at my own pace to be Mr. Perfect if no body knows about my attempts.

Moreover, I am a human being and may not feel fearless in criticizing wrong deeds of powerful people, if I disclose my name on the blog. I can use this blog to convey my disapproval of their deeds or thinking with balanced approach, without bothering about people’s prejudices.

Sorry for the length of the reply. Hope you find time to read this.

Atoorva said...

Ok...i got ur point but I do not agree with it . You know someone taught me long back that it is foolish to think aboout " what others will say or think about you or your actions. Most people in the world do not care about others..." and then if u are human u also have a right to have 'wrong' opinions, to change your stand at times or to feel like preaching .....and why not .

Anyways....would have loved to interact with u more in a more user friendly mode ( than public comments in blog) . But i guess u would be more comfortable this way .
At least do write more oftenin ur blog .
PS: i do know the email notification option but do not want to activate it ...just a little eccentricity :-)

MARCH said...

That’s what I am doing, thinking independently without being worried about others. Thanks for encouraging me but I feel more open and free by being stranger. Not all the people think the way you do. That’s the reason you find so many debates on issues everywhere from the streets to the newspapers. Do you think that the people involved in the debate do not know about the correctness of other’s viewpoint, but it’s only because the debate is associated with their name that they keep on defending their viewpoint. Had there been no names, ego, self –interest associated with the issues people would have readily accepted the opponent’s viewpoint and vice-versa. This ‘how can I be wrong!’ syndrome keeps people fighting.

I will try to write more.

You can always email me at I think you too need some sort of privacy to tell me your opinions on issues!! :-)

Satish Saxena said...

काफी अच्छा लिखा है ...शुभकामनायें !